Suggestion Gnob offers after r158

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jmie88, Nov 16, 2015.

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  1. jmie88

    jmie88 Someday Author

    Hi guys,

    I just can't purely understand this statement from r158 patch notes

    "Event Merchant: Offers Changed
    If you access Gnob’s Cave you will realize that some items which he offered prior to this release have been taken out of his assortment."

    So it mean if I go to gnobs cave after r158, I will see the old dark armor set and not the new one?

    Please somebody confirm this. Thanks a lot
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That means the weapons have been removed


    BLASTUP Active Author

    And what about people who have them? .... they will get 6k draken?
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't know.
  5. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I think they are just not obtainable anymore. What you have you keep :)
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't think so ... mark my words:
    They will remove those items too.
  7. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I will not question you. You have seen way more than I.
  8. draco994

    draco994 Active Author

    If they remove an item from the shop, which no one bought , yes it is ok , quiet understandable, but they have no authority to remove any thing from inventory or once purchased. It is someone else property which they bought with game currency. The bp cannot retake it saying lot of complaints, so we are withdrawing it. giving back the weapon draken alone is not the proper way, it is customer violations. it is pure consumer issue. those dk who got it should possess it even though this stupid retake judgement was one of those error they committed. the forum admin has once closed the thread stating and judging the issue as not of any value and closed it saying, it is balanced weapon. now on a fine morning , bp says they are withdrawing it. pure cheating. i was collecting all the drakens in the dragon event spending red essence to buy that weapon, means i went to dragon that much time for draken s and its drops, and now it is withdrawn. Now if they are permitted to keep that weapon to those who purchased with in a month of its introduction, it is high imbalance between haves and havenots just by virtue of bps error of calculation for which we are suffocating. no apologies acceptable for such deeds, all my ander and respawn and ess spend for that achievement is gone due to this , who will replace all my time, energy, ess, anders, ... pure illogical decision. i dont know who all decides this inside bp.
  9. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Not at all arguing your later points and very much agree with the loss of a goal you spent time and resouces on being painful. But your first few lines imply questions of ownership and violation. You may want to review the Terms of Use again as we don't own crap on those accounts and they can change, close, delete, and/or modify anything they want. Just look at the reaction about Frags dissapearing. Well thanks for the compensation that one toon could get via bonuscode. What about my other toons? The only obligation they have is the one that does not offend to the point where you quit. In reality you are paying in time and or currency for new pixel formations on the screen, but you don't own them or have any implicit rights. They own all the pixels. You just get to manipulate them for a while.
    draco994 likes this.
  10. draco994

    draco994 Active Author

    yes, i do admit of reading those in terms, but if you show me the forum to redress these , i can take the matter, and it is just not that, whatever we sign in terms doesnt mean they can violate the basic law of consumer law, i imply really , if we take the matter to consumer forum, bp is going to loose, we can sign many terms, but the terms should be in according to the law of the land. not bp made law. that is how cases are made and many challenged are won.
  11. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    By the law , BigPoint does not offer us a product. They offer a "service". No matter if we pay with money (or with time) :). By offering a service , the only respectfulll thing they must do to players is to advise us for instance : "we r sorry but DSO will quit in 30 days". So they dont apply to consumers law as if we were buying a car. The rules are different.
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